You might be really stuck with your spouse/partner refusing to participate in this, or any, repair program.
It could be either the very hurt spouse who doesn’t want do it because they are overwhelmed with pain and could even feel that accepting this help is actually “letting their spouse of the hook” for their betrayal. Or it could be the spouse who was unfaithful who is rejecting help because of the dread of facing the shame, guilt and humiliation that is smothering their judgement.
Either way I have a specific 2 week process for the willing spouse to unblock the reluctant spouse and help them come onboard to repair and rebuild.
This is really special because you can do a between one and three x 10-15 minute calls with me each business day for 2 weeks, that’s up to 30 calls…and for a very low fee of $3,500.
Then to make this even better for you we deduct this of the full 90 day program fee if your spouse decides to go ahead with you.